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By ferry

The ferries to the island of Eba depart from the port of Piombino and sailing for 1 hour you can reach Portoferraio, Elba's main port, other ports are Cavo and Rio Marina, in this case we reach the island with 30/45 minutes.
The shipping companies: are Toremar, Moby Lines, Blue Navy and Elba Ferries.
The Le Fornaci residence has an agreement with the shipping companies that will apply a discount to our customers for the online purchase of the ship ticket. The discount varies from 20% to 35% depending on the company, day, time and availability. Upon booking, upon request, we will provide you with all the information to obtain the discount.

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By car

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From Milano

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From Torino/Genova

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From Venezia/Bologna/Firenze

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From Bari/Napoli/Roma

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Connections for the port of Piombino (Piombino Marittima) at Campiglia Marittima station on the Genova/Roma line.
Ferrovie Italiane Click on the left for Italian railway timetable.
Ferrovie Tedesche Click on the left for German railway timetable.
Ferrovie Svizzere Click on the left for Swiss railway timetable.

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The airport on the Island of Elba is situated in the locality La Pila, 2 km from Marina di Campo.
Airlines that fly to and from the island of Elba are:
Silver Air
Swiss Flight Services

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